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Free Consultation for Dental Implants in McKinney, Texas

Do you have a missing tooth or a gap that you want to get restored but want a more permanent and easy to maintain solution? Then, consider getting implants! Here at Ridge Commons Family Dentistry in McKinney, Dr. Huyen (Winnie) Nguyen can help you get on the right path.


What is a dental implant?

A dental implant consists of three portions: the implant itself, the abutment and the crown.


The entire process depends on whether there is enough bone structure to even support the implant. Keep in mind that this process is over a series of months to allow for the implant to properly integrate into the jawbone.


How can I get started with dental implants?

  1. Schedule a free consultation with Dr. Huyen (Winnie) Nguyen, who is certified in placing and restoring implants. At this visit we will take a special 3-D X-ray to help plan for the implant as well as determine if there is enough bone structure to even place an implant.


           ** Please note that If you have a complicated case, we may refer you out to a specialist.**


  1. Our office will then draw up a treatment plan with the finances regarding the implant (s) and address your concerns.


  1. After planning for the implant, we will get you scheduled to get the implant placed and follow up with you after a few weeks to see the progress of the integration. If there is not enough bone structure, a bone graft and sutures may be placed.


  1. A few months following the implant surgery, we will get you scheduled back in to be scanned using our PrimeScanner. The scan will be sent to a dental lab to have the implant crown made.
  2. The final appointment is where the implant crown shall be placed.


Dr. Winnie will be your guide throughout the whole process. If you have any questions or are interested in getting dental implants please call our office at 972-972-8782 to schedule a free consultation today!


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